How to use Excel Functions in you Integromat flows

Learn how to use excel functions in Integromat Scenarios

Know how

Use english function names,<code>.</code>as decimal separator,<code>,</code>as function argument separator and as matrix row separator. Incapsulate strings using<code>\"\"</code>. Don't add<code>=</code>before your formulas. Use<code>{}</code>to incapsulate arrays, like<code>{array[]}</code>. Here are a few other examples of formulas that you can write: <code>RANDBETWEEN(5,10)</code> | <code>PPMT(10%,1,3,100.50)</code> | <code>ROUND(STDEV(4.0,3.0,3.0),2)</code> | <code>FVSCHEDULE(1,{0.09,0.11,0.1})</code> | <code>IFERROR(PMT(0.15/12,(2030-YEAR(TODAY()))*12,0,-100000),0)</code>. For more advanced cases please use <i>Excel Formula Pro</i>.

Danila Mouzytchenko

Co-founder & Digital architect

Creative designer and the mind behind

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